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Insights from ScaleUp:AI

The future of AI is now, so how are organizations unlocking their potential, scaling their technology, releasing new innovations, and using AI to unlock a world of good and fair potential?

Those are just some of the questions asked and answered at this year’s ScaleUp:AI event. 

Speaking at this year's event, our CEO & Co-Founder, Siobhan Savage, sat down with a panel of AI pioneers seeking to change what “good data” can do for the world, and discussing how to keep responsibility and ethics at the forefront.

ScaleUpDayTwo Reejig Panel

What insights were gleaned from our panel: The AI Chronicles?

1.  Responsible AI is the path forward

The model-centric view of AI is passing as more organizations realize the potential power of ethical AI and the potential damage of unregulated AI. There’s inherently a significant amount of bias baked into AI models, within any industry that can cause harm to your business, the people within your business, and who you serve, and reflect outwards to society if not kept in check. 

Implementing fairness and bias detection within your own machine learning technology needs to happen before scaling your AI whatsoever. Without it, the bias baked in can only scale as your production does, ultimately affecting the data, decision-making, and outcomes — all of which can affect your profitability down the line.


2.  Building ethical AI starts with being proactive

Asking our CEO & Co-Founder, Siobhan Savage, directly about why Reejig sought out an independent audit, the subject turned to the responsibility of organizations and leaders within to understand their own AI and invest in keeping it fair and unbiased on a continuous basis. 

Often, AI has the power to affect not just your own organization, but the customers and the organizations you partner with. Proactively understanding how your AI works, how bias can be created — and in turn, eliminated — and investing the resources to keep it ethical represents your commitment and transparency as a business to create a positive impact. 

The answer to doing this lies in knowing you can’t be the only source of auditing AI. Instead, the way to keep your AI honest, fair, and ethical is to have it independently audited — something Reejig became the world’s first in.


“A lot of prehistoric bias is baked into AI models. So we wanted to make sure that we were causing no harm in any of the decisions that we were making. We’re working for really large global enterprises that are making decisions on people’s most important decisions; their careers. [Proactively having our Ethical AI independently audited] meant we were making sure that we weren’t pre-baking in any bias and could tell our customers ‘here’s an independent audit that’s actually telling you what we’ve done and what the impacts are’.”

Siobhan Savage, CEO & Co-Founder, Reejig


3. AI can empower organizations to think differently about people and potential

It’s not news that HR has only been invited to the AI party in recent times and largely due to the seismic shifts COVID caused in how HR and people management had to run. 

Now, having the technology to change how people source, hire, mobilize and retain talent in a way that the market demands can truly increase the investment in AI HR desperately needs. Being able to see the best talent based on skills and potential alone gives organizations the power to switch their hiring mindset, decrease costs and maximize their rate of placing the right people in the right roles.


4.  Communicate your responsibility toward Ethical AI and build a community of like-minded advocates

As the impact of AI on society continues to grow, the importance of organizations speaking out about their commitment, proactiveness, and intent for good is growing with it. 

Leaders need to discuss openly how their AI will apply to new data sets and use cases and remain ethical at scale. Human-centred AI focused on providing good for people, business, and society will bring contributors and stakeholders towards your technology to take part.


“We believe in a world of Zero Wasted Potential in people, in business, and in society. So in that world, no matter who you are, your background, your skin color, your gender, whether you’re a veteran — everyone should have access to a meaningful career. Instead of people being considered based on job titles or how they look, it’s all about focusing on the skills, potential, and passions that they have. And that’s the world we’re really obsessed with, and we believe that we should all get there in the next five years.”

Siobhan Savage, CEO & Co-Founder, Reejig

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