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A first look at the Executive Guide to Workforce Intelligence

In today’s world, it’s not just HR that can benefit from increased investment into technology and AI that connects their previously siloed data. 

CEO, executives, and people leaders need to understand their people in order to address core talent challenges around shortages, retention, and reskilling — and need Workforce Intelligence to do so.

But despite people (and their potential) being an organization’s most expensive and most important asset, investment in AI and technology that centralizes and highlights an entire workforce — from skills, experience, and learning to career pathways — is dismal when compared with other business units like finance, marketing, and sales.

In fact, 70% of company executives believe people analytics is a top priority for the future, yet HR only accounts for 17% of AI adoption use cases across all industries.

So if the belief is there, but the investment hasn’t caught up yet, what can leaders and people managers do to get CEOs over the line and onboard?

Enter the Executive Guide to Workforce Intelligence

The Executive Guide to Workforce Intelligence is a whitepaper that dives into exactly how increased investment into your HR technology and AI has a knock-on effect that will create optimization across your entire business.

Developed to cut to the core of the problem many organizations are facing and deliver clear solutions, The State of Workforce Intelligence gives you actionable insights, references, and steps to get HR tech on the agenda and in front of your decision-makers.


“Workforce Intelligence will not only revolutionize how we as people leaders work, it will also enable us to create more equitable and impactful organizations by ensuring no one is hidden. The new world of work will be designed with inclusive, data-driven decision making with every people leader having a Zero Wasted Potential people strategy that they report to shareholders on and bake into their organizational planning.”

Siobhan Savage, CEO & Co-Founder, Reejig

Here’s a sneak peek at the 4 main takeaways you'll get with the State of Workforce Intelligence Whitepaper


1.  How to get Workforce Intelligence on the strategic business agenda

There’s no doubt that for many years talent teams have been fighting an uphill battle when it comes to investment in enterprise tech and AI. But what’s the true impact for organizations that are still battling with siloed data and outdated workforce planning models? 

Understand the 3 biggest challenges a lack of workforce and skills intelligence brings to organizations and talent teams, and exactly how much it costs your business.


2.  The 5 steps to optimizing your organization with Workforce Intelligence

Almost 50% of recently surveyed CHROs are reimagining their operational models, and the technology they’ll need to achieve large-scale workforce planning. 

But decision-makers need to see solid tangibles that increased investment in technology will bring them, so we gave you 5 key outcomes Workforce Intelligence will bring organizations, making it easy for you to lay out the facts and focus on the results.

Almost 50% of recently surveyed CHROs are reimagining their operational models, and the technology they’ll need to achieve large-scale workforce planning. 

But decision-makers need to see solid tangibles that increased investment in technology will bring them, so we gave you 5 key outcomes Workforce Intelligence will bring organizations, making it easy for you to lay out the facts and focus on the results.


3.  How Workforce Intelligence acts as your central nervous system to drive the optimization of your people

A true central nervous system is one that constantly aggregates and updates information to reflect a live view of an organization’s ecosystem — and that’s exactly what Workforce Intelligence gives you. 

So what can you do with it? 

Dive into exactly how you can overcome skills gaps, reskill your people, bake inclusive intelligence into every talent decision, and get the figures on what that means for your workforce and your bottom line.


4.  How you can lead your organization to a future with Zero Wasted Potential and an agile workforce

With the ability to make data-driven, skills-based decisions, leaders can strategically plan to scale successfully, diversely, and most importantly, ethically. 

Understand how you can use Workforce Intelligence to unlock the potential of your people, reduce loss, and gain the ability to understand and plan for market shifts at any time. 

With research-backed insights, advice from our own CEO, and actionable outcomes, you’ll have the clear approach you need to bring Workforce Intelligence to your CEO and get it on the decision-making table.


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