How KPMG reduced talent sourcing time to 42 seconds

The Challenge
Given the nature of the KPMG business, individual roles often require a combination of niche technical skills and a mix of highly attuned soft skills. It’s actually quite hard for us to source quality candidates who have both sets of skills, and they’re often in high demand. The speed in which we can find and hire the right people can be as impactful as winning or losing a project.
The Result
Prior to implementing Reejig, it took our team 13 hours to source a suitable pool of candidates for a highly specialized role, using multiple systems and qualification processes. Reejig was able to significantly reduce this time as a result of its searching capability. Identifying talent via a single platform, giving us access to skills, experience, and resumes all in one profile has been a game-changer.
The Benefit
Reejig has given us time back — 12 hours and 18 seconds to be precise — by reducing our time to source to a mere 42 seconds. It has enabled us to optimize our processes, improve productivity and shift our focus to more strategic activities like engaging with candidates, building pipelines, and partnering with the business to support them in achieving their business outcomes.
It has enabled us to optimize our processes, improve productivity and shift our focus to more strategic activities like engaging with candidates, building pipelines, and partnering with the business to support them in achieving their business outcomes.